“FROM CULTURE TO SEQUENCE”: AHRI-TBGEN Successfully Delivers Two Week Masterclass Training

The Tuberculosis Genetics Network in Africa (TBGENAfrica) team at Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) has successfully organized and delivered a 2-week theoretical and practical training titled “Practical training on Mycobacterium tuberculosis identification: from culture to sequence.”

The training which began on the 28th of February came to a close today (March 11,2022), with nine trainees being drawn from TBGEN partner institutions in Africa, such as: Mai-Nefhi College of Science (Eritrea), Institute of Endemic Diseases (Sudan), and University of Buea (Cameroon).

As part of the capacity building efforts, the trainees were exposed to TB sample processing, molecular identification methods, library preparation, Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS), in addition to a masterclass on the basics of bioinformatics analysis.

Funding Information: TBGEN is funded by Wellcome Trust and supported through H3Africa [H3A-18-003].H3Africa empowers African researchers to be competitive in genomic sciences, establishes and nurtures effective collaborations among African researchers on the African continent, and generates unique data that could be used to improve both African and global health.


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