AHRI delegates led by Dr. Alemseged Abdissa (DDG-Research and Innovation), Dr. Mekonnen Teferi (Clinical Trial-Director), and Mr. Anteneh Habte( Laboratory – Director) took part in the EU-AFRICA PerMed Consortium, East Africa Stakeholders workshop held on 13-14 July 2022; in Nairobi, Kenya.
The two day workshop was organized by EU-Africa PerMed Consortium members in collaboration with the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) of Kenya. The workshop brought all stakeholders in East Africa to review current landscape and identify potential areas of collaboration in the area of Personalised Medicine (PM). The AHRI team led by Dr. Alemseged Abdissa participated in the workshop and expressed Ethiopia’s developments in the health sector particularly to the research innovation efforts made by AHRI. During the workshop, the team also explored and learnt potentials areas of collaboration in the development of PM in Ethiopia and beyond in addition to also identifying potential stakeholders and resources in Africa and Europe.
EU-Africa PerMed is a project funded by the European Commission H2020 programme with an ultimate objective of integrating more African countries in the global Personalised Medicine (PM) research agenda by facilitating their participation in the activities of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) and by strengthening the research collaboration between Africa and Europe in areas of mutual interest.