Ethiopian Civil Service Commission Acknowledges Mr. Alemayehu Kifle of AHRI for 40 Years of Public Service Dedication

The Civil Service Commission has officially recognized Alemayehu Kifle, staff of the Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI), for his unwavering dedication to public service over the past four decades. Alemayehu’s commitment and contributions to AHRI as an extraordinary research field worker have been acknowledged as exemplary.

The acknowledgment bestowed upon Alemayehu Kifle by the Civil Service Commission serves as a reminder of the significance and impact that dedicated individuals can have on society. It is hoped that his recognition will inspire the young generation to follow in his footsteps and contribute selflessly towards building a stronger Ethiopia.

As Ethiopia prepares to welcome the new year 2016 E.C, a series of events will take place in the month of Pagumen, a unique and 13th month of the Ethiopian calendar. The first day of Pagumen has been designated as “Service Day,” with a central theme of “Let us serve Ethiopia.”

The celebration aims to highlight the importance of public service and encourage citizens to actively contribute towards the development of their country. Various activities and initiatives will take place to engage individuals from all walks of life in serving Ethiopia.

Written by Befekadu Beyene, AHRI


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